jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

Diseño Instruccional

It is a sistematic, planned and structure process, it objective is ti design materials for a learning process, it could be for self learning on a blakboard on distance.

It helps the teacher to a better teaching-learning, but this classes are not really taking classes on a classron instead is semi.presential through a and educational blackboard.

Modelos de Diseño Instruccional

-Praddie (pre-learning)
-Cagne (Evaluates, Implements DI, forms the teacher)
-Addie (Analysis Design Development)
-Holistic (behaviorism, cognitivism, constructionism)
-Dick & Carey (Objectives of de learning, Evaluation, 10 steps)
-Hannafin & Peck (Needs, goals, design, implementation)
Davis (planning, dexcription, realization, aplication, derivation)

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