jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

My last class helped me to resolve all my doubts because as we are creating our course and we have to include a lot of materials, proyects and everything. So it was kind of complicated, but as we were working in class and the teacher was helping us all of our doubts were solved.

I hope I can finish soon all my materials and updating my site.

My reflexion is that even when you have to do a lot of things you can always achieve your goals by working hard. "Just Don´t give up"
On my last class I learned really important things that I considered really useful nowadays, because everything now is tecnology and as we are becoming teachers we need to have a lot of knowledge and experience on this things

My reflexion is that we can manipulate everything, we just need some practice because all the things that I am learning are not to difficult are just to much to do.

I hope that some day I can apply all the things that I have learned.

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

On my last class I learned a lot of things...

I enjoy it a lot, even though it was to much and I get confuse with it I like it a lot because I am learning very useful things that I can use later even on my life after I finish my B.A.

I hope I can put into practice all of this programs and materials later on.
I am going to keep on practicing and trying to be an expert on all of this programs, because it also gives a better presentation to all your works.
Today in class I learned a lot of things...well they were a bit complicated but if I practiced several times I think I can do it.
I think that all of this materials that we are using are very useful for us, for our daily life and for our future.
Because as future teachers we will need to use all of this programs to be updated on our material.

jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

I will like to share with everybody that today I access to the blackboard to my account and I modify the control panel, I like having an account because I can modify a lot of things of the blackboard that I can´t do when I was just a student, but now that I am accessing as a teacher because we are preparing our selves to it I can do a lot of things.
We keep on practicing how to create a folder and attach files, we add an announcement also and with and attach file.
We also create a forum in blackboardprueba in where students can access and make comments, answer questions and it is really funny because you can talk with your classmates it´s like the msn ja but it´s not as fast as the msn but still I like it.
I would now use different pages because I realize that their are different blogs really useful and not the only ones that everybody use it.
Today on my class I learn how to use Picnik.com I liked this page because sometimes we ant to modify a picture and the only things that we can do is to change size, cut and sometimes color, but in this page you can also add things images into it, put teeth and its really interesting and funny to use this page.
I enjoy it a lot and I am really happy to know that it exists a lot of pages really useful like this one.
We never know when can we need a page like this one so I will save this link so I can access later.
I really like and enjoy this page. :-)

lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

Today I only had an hour but the class solved me several doubts that had.
We discuss several doubts that we had from the lectures we read for homework about Distance Education, I didn´t had a clear idea of what were the tools of Distance Education but in class we discussed them and I we also discussed the advantages that Distance Education has and how can we use it in a right way.

I think I will use these kind of Education in the future when I do my master degree it will be a good idea to do it by a platform on another country I don´t know Canada, Australia or somewhere over there in a foreign contry it will be great.
I hope I could do it someday.

domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010

On my last class we learn how to use a blackboard, we can notice that nowadays they are really usefull for everyone. We learn how to use UAEH blackboard and it is really interesting to see all the advantages that we have on it, we also can modify certain things as teacher for students and that good because you create your own space with your own information that will help a lot your students.You can also use a blackboard to take a course and it exists another very useful blackboard in where you can listen and practice your pronunciation.

I think that a blackboard could be a very useful tool on your leraning you only have to know how to use in a right way, because many people just use it to meet perople, and with this I am not saying that meetting people is bad is just that not all the people who use this blachboard are goos people, some kidnapper also use this blakboards to take information from you and heart you or your family.

So, I think we should be very careful on how we use them, and the information we give to strangersand that we upload on a blackboard.

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is a method for Internet users to share, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web resources. Unlike file sharing, the resources themselves aren't shared, merely bookmarks that reference them.

You can add descriptions to these bookmarks in the form of metadata, so that other users may understand the content of the resource without first needing to download it for themselves. Such descriptions may be free text comments, votes in favor of or against its quality, or tags that collectively or collaboratively become a folksonomy. Folksonomy is also called social tagging, "the process by which many users add metadata in the form of keywords to shared content".[1]

In a social bookmarking system, users save links to web pages that they want to remember and/or share. These bookmarks are usually public, and can be saved privately, shared only with specified people or groups, shared only inside certain networks, or another combination of public and private domains. The allowed people can usually view these bookmarks chronologically, by category or tags, or via a search engine.

sábado, 20 de febrero de 2010

Tools of the Web 2.0

In our last class we learn a lot of interesting things, even when we were looking most of the time for tools of the Web 2.0 we found a lot of activities we can make in our class, activities that are really useful for kids that are learning a new topic.

In our case we found really good material that relates we the topic we are searching and we already select 3 of them.
Internet Social Networks

The internet social networks are a way of interacting with other people, the objective os this networks is the exchange of information between people, institutions or groups in certain context.

It is an open and ongoing construction involving sets identified in the same needs and problems and organized to maximize their resources.

The network intervention is an attempt reflective and organizer of these interactions and exchanges, where the subject is based on differentiating itself from others.

In the social networking we are able to interact with others but do not know, the system is open and obviously is being built so that every subscriber to the network provides each new member joining the group transformed into a new one. The network is not the same if one of its members no longer party.

Intervene in a social network there begins to find others with whom to share our interests, concerns or needs, although not happen more than that, it's just that much because it breaks the isolation that often afflict the vast majority of people, which often manifest itself in seclusion, sometimes in excessive social life without emotions involved.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

Diseño Instruccional

It is a sistematic, planned and structure process, it objective is ti design materials for a learning process, it could be for self learning on a blakboard on distance.

It helps the teacher to a better teaching-learning, but this classes are not really taking classes on a classron instead is semi.presential through a and educational blackboard.

Modelos de Diseño Instruccional

-Praddie (pre-learning)
-Cagne (Evaluates, Implements DI, forms the teacher)
-Addie (Analysis Design Development)
-Holistic (behaviorism, cognitivism, constructionism)
-Dick & Carey (Objectives of de learning, Evaluation, 10 steps)
-Hannafin & Peck (Needs, goals, design, implementation)
Davis (planning, dexcription, realization, aplication, derivation)

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2010

Ntic's and Blackboards

Well our class of Ntic's was really good I learn a lot of things. The Ntic's manipulate,transmit and save information. Examples of this are: TV with conection to more chanels, electronic blackboards, firefox, google, video-conference, virtual libraries and blackboards of schools some of them are free and in others cost money.

Education blackboard


academic earth


Heritage key

All of this blackboards are virtual spaces. It includes evaluation and comunication tools that encourage to have discussions forums, blogs and announcements.

The impact of the NTIC in the society

Ntic's and Blackboards

jueves, 28 de enero de 2010

Google Site

Today I learn how to create a google site, I learn how to create files into another file and how to upload images, files, etc.

Probably I will need more practice on this so it will be easier to use it and to manipulate all the advantages that this site has.

I think it is interesting to have our own journal in which can have our personal things maybe or another important things.

lunes, 25 de enero de 2010


Holaaaaaa¡¡¡ ps aqui ya en mi nuevo blog jajaja aprendiendo a usarlo. Saludos a todos.